When I was in the eighth grade, I found out that the girl who sat next to me in science class was my neighbor. "Awesome," she said, "I'm going to stalk you." And that's how I met Annie, one of my best friends.
We spent a day together when I was in California, shopping, eating, driving, and then eating some more at our old high school haunts. When in Orange County, the places to be are Old Towne Orange, Huntington Beach, and Cherry on Top. Or at least they are when you're 16 and not that cool, or 20 and still not that cool.
All in all, going home felt glorious. Having a week to decompress and hang out with my mom and the friends who weren't yet back at school was great, and I didn't want to come back to real life, where pajamas aren't acceptable past noon. But I do love school and my boyfriend and my roommates and getting dressed every day, so I'm good.

Annie / dress: Spotted Moth / skirt: ? / flats: Burberry

Leslie / top: Francesca's / skirt: Modcloth / booties & tights: Target
never always serious.)
P.S. I got
this and
this in the Modcloth sale. Now to go on a spending freeze...